Walled Garden Volunteers' Blog November 2024
/After a brief interlude, learning how to eco-dye with Walled Garden gardener Ruth, the team has been into action. The garden needs to be prepared for winter. We are aiming to leave some seeds heads and stalks intact, but removing any leaves and stems where plants have succumbed to autumnal conditions.
First some fun! Printing with natural dyes…
After getting the necessary planning permissions the tree surgeon was able to come on site to work on the Paulownia which had succumbed to recent winds.
Meanwhile Marion and Susan have been busy potting up plants for sale and managing the seed collection, which can also be bought at the museum.
The Mediterranean (hot!) border in front of the museum’s Learning Pavilion has been one of the beds getting a lot of our focus lately, including the troughs positioned next to it. A well deserved cuppa was on order!
Meanwhile the meadow is being managed and the lawn has had its last cut before the cold weather arrives!
… and now, we hope, the mist and chill will leave us alone for a little while longer, as we have quite a lot still to do!
Cobweb covered in dew